
Gabriel Barge is 22 years old, natural from Rio de Janeiro and currently living at Portugal. Always interested in discovering new horizons, at the age of 13 he decided to open a YouTube channel focused on games, where he learned how to edit his own videos and began his journey as a video editor. After two years working on the project, he realized he could go further and decided to take a break from the channel, returning in 2017, revamping his channel and giving life to Maratonando, where he discusses series, movies and animes. In parallel, Gabriel is also one of the founders of Referência Nerd, a website portal about geek culture, where reviews, news, literary reviews and lists from the geek and nerd world are posted.

In addition to his own projects, Barge is also a video and photo editor, works with motion graphics, has experience as a freelance reporter, content and audiovisual production, and also develops video optimization and strategy work for Youtube


Video Editing

Video Strategist for Youtube

Video Optmization for Youtube

